If you start to search the web for more in depth research on natural beauty you may end up pretty confused as to what is safe and what is unsafe. Some sites make it seem that everything on the market is B A D for you. As you know I am starting a website to help us figure out just what is safe and what is truly too risky for us to be applying to our bodies.
Would you use a product that was reported as being potentially toxic to humans and a known irritant? What if this product were 100% natural, approved by the FDA, proven safe for human ingestion and proven to be wonderful for the skin. Confused? The product I am talking about is avocado oil. Derived from a fruit that is not scary by any stretch of the imagination yet if you believe what you read on some web sites you would avoid it like the plague.
So why is there so much confusion in the beauty industry and why are there groups out there that seem to be trying to scare the public? They claim to be helping but in my opinion they are causing a lot more damage and a lot of unnecessary fear.
Check out the blog tomorrow for more clarity on the confusion.
In the mean time ...DON'T FEAR THE AVOCADO!!!
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